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- "Stressed" is just "desserts" backwards.
- **Blech**! Green eggs and Spam. Mom used the Dr. Suess cookbook again.
- --------- CLOSED FOR RECIPE DEVELOPMENT --------------
- -> <- Invisible recipe, send $10 for viewer.
- ... :.::: ::..: ::.::. :..:: (recipe in Braille)
- 4 of 5 Sysops prefer doughnuts. The 5th demands pizza.
- 6UP: Missing link in evolutionary chain from 1UP to 7UP.
- <this is an edible tagline>
- >DING!< Tasty recipe found, initiating snagging sequence.
- @@ Beans are the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot.@@
- @N@ is locked inside a chocolate factory...DON'T send help!
- A bachelor's fridge: Home of the Chia-Meatloaf.
- A balanced diet is a burger in each hand.
- A belly button is for salt when you eat celery in bed.
- A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee.
- A fool and his lasagna are soon parted. - Garfield
- A good recipe is a snagged recipe!
- A good recipe is worth a thousand words.
- A little wine for the sauce, and some for the cook!
- A message without a recipe looks so...bare!
- A message without a recipe, is like a day without sunshine.
- A Recipe for Borscht? Beets me.
- A recipe is a terrible thing to waste.
- A rose is a rose, but a decent enchilada... Now you're talking!
- A scone is a biscuit that's gone to college.
- A time to cook; a time to nuke leftovers - Ecclesiastes 3:1
- A watched pot never boils? Try turning on the heat!
- A well-crafted recipe is a joy forever.
- A wife is a woman who dresses to kill and cooks the same way.
- A wok is what you throw at a wabbit.
- Actually it's not replying that takes time, it's choosing a recipe.
- Alex, I'll take 'Famous recipes' for $1000.
- All available recipes are busy... One will be with you shortly.
- All good recipes require at least one extra trip to the store.
- All my good recipes are on my other computer.
- All my recipes are originals...well,somebody had to make them up.
- All true wisdom is discovered in recipes.
- All's fair with spam and butter! No, that's not right...
- An onion a day keeps everyone away.
- And back then we had to chisel recipes into the walls of the cave.
- And Madonna thinks *she's* innovative...
- Annoying: accidentally deleting your recipe file. :(
- Another Recipe Kidnapped! Suspect Fido Ate It! GIFs at Eleven!
- Another tasty recipe!
- Anyone know an off-line chocolate reader for NESTLES.QWK?
- Anyone Posting Tribble recipes Will Be Shot.
- ANYTHING looks like a recipe if you squint hard enough.
- Appease the Moderator Monster. Send chocolate.
- Are Cheerios really donut seeds?
- Are there Pop Tarts in Heaven?
- Are your cookies made with real Girl Scouts? D Wednesday Adams
- As American as English muffins and French toast.
- Ask about our unwanted orphan recipe program.
- Ask them to list all 54 flavors, then order vanilla.
- At the recipe, leave your number. We'll get back to you.
- At the top of the food chain sits chocolate.
- At this point, chocolate is a viable alternative.
- At what point in the dairy process is the Milk Dud made?
- Attn Gadgets Anonymous: A bread machine that's also a CD player.
- Attn Gadgets Anonymous: A capucino machine that also takes pictures.
- Avoid making irrevocable decisions while hungry. -- Heinlein
- Ay, yi, yi, yi. I am the recipe Bandito. .
- Bachelor rules for cooking: Brown = cooking, Black = done.
- Bachelor's All Purpose Cookbook: Microwave on High until Hot!
- Bad day: You're allergic to chocolate chip cookies.
- Bad FAT? My hard disk has high cholesterol?
- Bagel bakers settle... Kneadless strike ends!
- Bakery: "Cakes 66` - Upside-down cakes 99`"
- Baking motto: I knead more dough!
- Balonegna: The last slice of bologna that no one ever eats.
- Bar-B-Coup: When a relative commandeers the outdoor grill.
- Batch files? No, but here's a nice batch of cookies.
- BBQ: Home incinerator used for disposing of meats.
- Be a coffee-drinking individual...espresso yourself!
- Beauty does not season soup -- Polish proverb
- BEEP: This is a test of the Emergency recipe System.
- Before TV was invented I wonder if they had radio dinners?
- Best use for Milk Duds: Getting people to shut up at the movies.
- Betty Crocker is moist and easy? Should this be on TV?
- Betty Crocker was a flour child
- Bigamist: A Man Who Has Married An Attractive Woman And A Good Cook.
- Bloatboat: Chocolate sundae you have right after finishing off a meal.
- BlueWave snags recipes...not me!
- Boy that recipe brought back some memories of years gone by.
- Brain out to lunch.... mouth watching' the store.
- Bread that must be sliced with an ax is bread that is too nourishing.
- Breakfast in Paris, lunch in Greece, luggagi in Japan?
- BREAKFAST.COM halted: Cereal port not responding!
- Buffet: French for making a pig of yourself.
- But first, this word from Maxwell House.
- But I like Spam!
- But soft, what light through yonder recipe breaks?
- Cabbage: The age of a taxi.
- Cabnicreep: The closing of one kitchen cabinet causes another to open.
- Caffidget: To break up an emptied Styrofoam cup into 100's of pieces.
- California Raisin arrested - suspect in cereal killings!
- Call me anything, but don't call me late for dinner.
- Call the cops, the fire dept., & the pizza place. Who arrives first?
- Cannot understand recipe: <A>bort, <R>etry, <C>ook anyway?
- Captain, I sense...Chocolate! -- Troi
- Casserole: Yesterdays leftovers incognito.
- Celery is not food. It is a member of the plywood family.
- Cereal port not responding - BREAKFAST halted.
- Cheedle: Residue left on fingers after eating a bag of Cheetos.
- Cheerios: Hula-hoops for ants.
- Cheese: Milk's leap toward immortality.
- Chef:(N) Any cook that swears in French.
- Cherchez la fizz: Look for the Alka Seltzer.
- Chestnuts - a painful and embarrassing condition
- Chili is a spiritual event not a food.
- CHILI: Stew with a definite attitude!
- Chipfault: Stress point when a potato chip brakes & stays in the can.
- Chipfault: The point on a chip where it breaks in the dip.
- Chiplinger: Debris left in the dip during a largi party.
- Chocography: Information describing the candy arrangement in box.
- Chocoholic, not exactly, but I do go on binges occasionally!
- Chocolate (n.): Food of the gods.
- Chocolate (n.): See Ambrosia
- Chocolate - Tastes good and improves your sex life.
- Chocolate = Heaven. Fudge = G*d.
- Chocolate chip cookies: hazardous waist products.
- Chocolate covered spam -- a true WARRIOR'S food!
- Chocolate is a medical treatment for CFS. Repeat as needed. <hehehe>.
- Chocolate is Serious Business!
- Chocolate isn't a food, it's a medicine--an anti-depressant.
- Chocolate makes me human.
- Chocolate manhole covers come from the Hershey highway.
- Chocolate MILK! What else did you think?
- Chocolate moose: 1 medium size moose, 20 pounds chocolate.
- Chocolate sauce is not the answer for bad cooking.
- Chocolate: As Einstein said...(C=S) Chocolate = Sex?
- Chocolate: It goes with Ibuprofen very well.
- Chocolate: It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore.
- Chocolate: the fifth essential food group
- Chopped cabbage; not just a good idea, it's the slaw!
- Churters: Grill marks on a wiener.
- Classified Recipe: Please Enter Password:_ _ _ _ _
- Clove captioned for the ham impaired.
- Cold pizza: the generic breakfast.
- Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage.
- Coming soon: New recipes!
- Computer chips, potato chips, what's the difference?
- Computer not found! Please notify recipe!
- Computer scare of '94--subliminal recipes.
- Conferences come and go, but recipes hang on forever!
- Conform, go crazy, or write lots of silly recipes!
- Cooking Echo friends are pan pals.
- Cooking tip: Wrap leftover turkey in aluminum foil and throw it out.
- Cooks DO IT in the Kitchen.
- Cooks DO IT with oil, sugar and salt.
- Crisis: When a fortune cookie contradicts your horoscope.
- Decaffeinated coffee? But ... why?
- Decaffeinated coffee? What's the point of THAT!?
- Deja moo: knowing you've heard this bull before.
- Desseratation: A waiter's litany of what's on the dessert cart.
- Do cheshire cats drink evaporated milk?
- Does your tagline loose it's flavour on the bedpost overnight?
- Domino's delivers pizza by fax with no change in taste.
- Don't cook tonight -- starve a rat today!
- Dr. Seuss was no chef but he sure knew his spam.
- Droolettes: Yummy sounds diners make when the dessert.
- DUMBWAITER: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.
- Easy cookie recipe 1: Buy one bag Oreos.
- Eat doughnuts, for they are round and all things round are good.
- Eat fish and build houses of wood, we need the work.
- Eat out, gain weight, adjust the scale to compensate.
- EchoMail (ek-o-mael) n. A recipe distribution system
- Empty calories: A hollow chocolate bunny?
- ERROR #6060: recipes not tasty. Operator taken out back and shot.
- ERROR: Unable to insert tasty recipe.
- Ever notice...garbage weighs more than groceries?
- Expose' "Pillsbury Doughboy is really a Tart" National Inquirer.
- Fact: Ten out of every ten people like chocolate.
- Farfignewton - A long way 'till the next cookie.
- FIDO lie #05: I tried all the recipes in the COOKING echo.
- Forever: Time it takes to brew the first pot of coffee in the morning.
- Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of Life.
- Friends are the marshmallows in the hot chocolate of life!
- Garden: Rows of vegetables to keep the weeds apart.
- Ginger Ale: A drink that feels like your foot when it goes to sleep.
- Given enough chocolate and coffee, I could rule the world.
- Good cooking takes time.
- Good thing about homecooking, keeps dog from begging at the table.
- Gosh! How did THIS ever get into the Cooking echo? <G>
- GRITS: Cream of Wheat with an attitude!
- Ham on rye: Drunk radio operator.
- Hard cookies and warm soda are good for you.
- Have you got a smoke alarm I can switch off while I'm cooking?
- Have you met Mrs. Ware and her daughter, Tuppa?
- Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends us cooks.
- Here, have some chocolate it'll make you feel better.
- Hitchcooking: Stabbing frozen food to speed up cooking.
- HOMEMADE = Another word for LOVE
- Hot Fudge Sundae falls on a Tuesday this year!
- Housework, done properly, can kill you. - Erma Bombeck
- How come pizza reaches your door faster than the police?
- I am a person of many moods...and all of them want chocolate!!
- I am Cookie of Borg: Me assimilate cookie!
- I can handle any crisis: I'm a mom!
- I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat veggies!
- I do whatever my Rice Crispies tell me to do.
- I eat my coffee straight from the can. Why dilute it?
- I got fired from my job as an M&M proof reader, I kept eating the W&W.
- I just need enough coffee to tide me over 'till I need more.
- I listen to my body. It says, "Cookies and chocolate milk, please".
- I take chocolate from strangers.
- I was on a roll till I slipped on the butter.
- I'd love to, but I'm going through cherry cheesecake withdrawal.
- I'd love to, but I'm sandblasting my oven.
- I'd love to, but my chocolate-appreciation class meets that night.
- I'm making chocolate chip cookies and I have more M & M's to peel.
- I'm not aging, I'm marinating!
- I've been seduced by the chocolate side of the force.
- If I melt some dry ice, can I swim without getting wet?
- If I mix milk with my QWK files, do I get chocolate mail?
- If it ain't cooked, don't serve it.
- If it's got beans in it, it AIN'T chili!
- If we had some bread we could have ham sandwiches...if we had ham.
- Innkeeper! I'll have what the man on the chandelier is having!
- Is there life before coffee?
- It stopped moving! Cook it!
- It's a cook book!! Any good recipes?
- It's not the size of the pie...it's how you throw it that counts ;)
- Keep the kitchen clean....eat out tonight!
- Make another pot of coffee ... I'm gonna read mail.
- Mama corn to baby corn: the stalk brought you.
- Mama, don't let your chips grow up to be chocolate.
- Marriage is give and take. I eat your cooking so you do the dishes.
- May your glass never be empty & your life always bubbly.
- May your pans never burn & your milk never scorch.
- McDonald's is to food as rap is to music.
- Money may not buy happiness, but it will buy chocolate.
- Mr. Potato Head meets the Veg-o-matic, film at 11.
- My mother won't eat pot pies. She says they're illegal.
- My Rice Crispies says: "Man..you've got bad breath"
- Never read the cooking echo hungry your grocery bill will suffer.
- Never read the cooking echo hungry, you may fill up your hard drive
- New from Kellogg's: Pre-toasted bread. Just heat and serve.
- No you Idiot ! You don't cook your food with a Fireball Spell !!!!!
- No, Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican telephone company!
- Not all meals are going to be gourmet experiences...trust me!
- Of course I can cook, but I never DO IT on the first date.
- One good recipe deserves another!
- One Nation, under God, with Liberty, Largi Fries, & a Coke to go.
- Oxymoron: Cooking glue.
- Oxymoron: Sharp Cookie.
- Pizza not found: (A)bort (R)edial (P)anic
- Please note: If found unconscious, administer chocolate, STAT!
- Practice safe eating: use condiments.
- Processed Cheeses: The triumph of technology over conscience.
- Prunes give you a run for your money.
- Recipes: what even bad cooks can collect!
- Remember when cooking didn't involve calculus?
- Remember You Are Not Immortal! Teach Your Kid To Cook Today.
- Rubuncles - The bumps on uncooked chicken.
- SAVE...SAVE...SAVE... Some day I may get to cooking all these recipes!
- Short order cooks DO IT quickly.
- Slash. Maim. Mutilate. (Any recipe, any cookbook)
- Slugfest: An escargot cook-off.
- Sometimes the garbage disposal gods demand an offering of a spoon.
- Sorry...it's the chocolate talking. - Wakko Warner
- Sure I can cook!! A little scorched water bother you?
- Tear gas is produced with onions & baked beans.
- The 4 food groups: Fast, frozen, instant and microwaved.
- The key to success is selling my mom's chocolate chip cookies.
- There are *reasons* why eating out is better than cooking!
- There are no mistakes in the kitchen, only lessons.
- To Bean or not to Bean? That IS the question- Chef Shakespeare
- To eat is human; to digest, divine.
- Ummm, chocolate taglines. Sounds delicious.
- Unable to locate Dr.Pepper -- Operator Halted!
- Virus Detected: Pour chicken noodle soup on motherboard.
- Warning: Ignore all previous fortune cookie fortunes
- We have two sorts of pies: undercooked and overcooked.
- What is food to one, is to others bitter poison/Lucretius
- What is life without chocolate chip cookies.
- What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread???
- Why are Chinese fortune cookies written in English?
- Why is cooking a chore when eating is such a pleasure?
- Yes, I want to eat my cake too! And where's my ice cream?